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Participant Liability Terms and Conditions


Upon entry or use of resources, each and every time. If you do not agree to personal responsibility, you should leave the property and are trespassing.


I agree that I alone am responsible for my actions and wellbeing while participating at, with resources by, or on the premises of Xanadu at 5015 Bond Street, Boise Idaho, and that I will not hold Idaho Burners Alliance, Inc. or Conclave, LLC, or Gardens of Xanadu, LLC responsible for any damages, loss, or troubles, including serious injury or death that may occur as a result of my participation or attendance at Xanadu. I assume all responsibility for loss or damage to equipment or personal property I may bring to Xanadu, and understand that no reimbursement will be made by Idaho Burners Alliance, Inc. or Conclave, LLC in the event that equipment or personal property is lost, stolen or damaged. I do hereby release, acquit, and forever discharge and by these presents do, for myself and my heirs, remise, release, acquit and forever discharge Idaho Burners Alliance, Inc., and Conclave, LLC, of and from any and all past, present, and future claims, rights, suits, debts, sums of money, contracts, agreements, promises, damages, judgments, executions, causes of action, liabilities, costs or expenses, claims, and demands whatsoever, in law or in equity, which I have ever had, now have, or may have, for, or by reason of, or which directly arise from, or are related to, or are in any way associated with my participation or attendance at Xanadu. I am presently competent, not under the influence of any substance(s), and of sound mind. This agreement is a revocable license that may be revoked by Idaho Burners Alliance, Inc., Gardens of Xanadu, or Conclave, LLC for any reason.


You agree to these terms upon utilizing the website, payment system, or upon entering the building or being within the boundaries of the land. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not enter or use the resources and are considered to be trespassing. Nobody may invite or otherwise bring others onto the property without these rules applying.


No agreement or terms can supersede negligent and willful liability of the owners or lease holders, who must comply with all local laws and code. Liability and proper insurance is maintained at all times. 



Where any individual who is under care or guardianship or who legally requires parental consent shall not enter or participate or use resources of Xanadu, Gardens of Xanadu, Idaho Burners Alliance, or Conclave, LLC without the agreement of that caregiver, guardian, or parent. For those who are responsible, you agree to be held personally responsible for any actions of persons under such care while on the premises. You understand that failure to supervise and monitor individuals under care or guardianship may constitute cause for eviction from the premises and revocation of future privileges. 

Xanadu Boise

Conclave, LLC owns the Building and Land

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